Tuesday, 8 March 2011

The easy bit?

Is it decorating?
It took me a day to strip the wallpaper off this bedroom but it looks better for it.
We saved one comfy chair for the workmen to have their tea on if they wanted.
It has taken me and Ant a day to get most of this paper off...
What a worker!

Sunday, 6 March 2011

More dismantling!

In order to get the rotten joists out and the new joists in the other bathroom wall had to come down.

Starting the electrics

Before Iain could take down the wall I had to move the old fuse board.
Empty of cables

All neatly tidied up

Where to eat....

The kitchen has a wee space where you could put a little table and a couple of chairs - maybe
But if you do that where are you going to put the fridge and freezer?
My friend Antonia came for a look round and suggested removing this wall between the stairs and the front door:
Genius! Antonia's husband is an architect so he came round and pronounced it non loadbearing :-)
 The thick joist on the left is holding up the joists that are resting on the non loadbearing wall. Unfortunately this joist is rotten where it meets the brickwork and even though it is about 3" x 8" in cross section the other end is supported only by 1/4 " check in the newell post and one 4" nail!!
This is the end of the big joist with its one nail and just caught on the newell post

The bathroom wall frame is balanced on the stairs now.
Iain took down the wall and then the bathroom wall and then started on the joists ...